Mikhail Turetsky |
In the 6000 seat hall of the formidable Kremlin in Moscow, a building complex associated with totalitarian regimes, the Turetsky choir recently performed a medly of traditional Jewish songs to a full house. Included in this medly was one up-to-the-minute song of our time, popularized by Chassidic singing star Mordechai Ben David, named simply "Moshiach, Moshiach, Moshiach," about the coming of the Messiah
(the real one). The all show-biz, all-male group sing their hearts out to a seemingly appreciative audience.
My, how times have changed.
To see video of "Moshiach, Moshiach, Moshiach," please click here:
When I think how far we have come over the last few decades and how the change grows in exponential ways it truly is a miracle. Watched that video the other day, if that was not one of the most Moshiachdich things I have seen in years... not sure what could be. Awesome.