Is Israel a nation-state like any other? Or are the
Jewish people “the chosen people” with a
unique destiny among mankind?
In the Jewish liturgy, one of the most beloved
passages is: “You have chosen us from among all the nations. You have loved us
and found favor with us. You have raised us above all tongues and made us holy
through Your commandments.”
Yet one of the early leaders of the Jewish state,
David Ben-Gurion, suggested that this passage be deleted from prayer books.
In a recent videotaped message on the 200th
anniversary of the passing of the Alter Rebbe, founder of Chabad-Lubavitch, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, thanks the worldwide Chabad
Lubavitch movement and its great Chassidic leaders for awakening the Jewish
people after times of great travail, uniting them and strengthening them. He
does not mention the special role of the Jewish people on the world stage nor the ultimate goal:
the complete and final Redemption when all the world will acknowledge the G-d
of Israel.
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